Monday, May 6, 2024

Traveling with the Grobmyers May 5, 2024

 Go west young man. So we did. We have headed west for the week. Part work trip, part family visit, and part fun. Today was the fun part. 

Our first stop was in Memphis for Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken. We were told about the place a couple of years ago and this was our second stop. They have two locations but this one is on Front Street.  Front Street is downtown close to the Peabody and the Mississippi River. 

The chicken is great. It is crispy and crunchy on the outside and nice and juicy hot on the inside. That was some of the hottest temperature wise chicken I think I have ever had. It melted my fork tines a little. But it was worth not having any fingerprints anymore.

So for the last several years we have been trying to hit all the National Parks. Well when we were at FDR’s library last year we bought a Presidential Libraries passport like what they have for the National Parks. So now we are trying to check off the Presidential Libraries. So when we were in Little Rock we stopped at the Clinton Presidential Library. Unfortunately it was raining or we could have walked around the grounds more. It is right by the Arkansas River. It is in a real pretty location.

This eagle was outside the library. I thought my Auburn fans would enjoy this.

There were a lot more of these decorated earths, but the rain kept us from seeing them. One was a baseball and I wanted a picture of that. Another day.

This was a cool bridge. It looked like it was a walking bridge.

I like campaign buttons and have a small collection. They are a great history of the various elections.

They had a replica of the Clinton Oval Office complete with the Resolute Desk. A little history on he Resolute Desk. The desk was given to President Rutherford B. Hayes from Queen Victoria in 1880. It was built from the British ship HMS Resolute. It was used by Presidents from 1880 until 1948 when the White House was reconstructed. Eisenhower used it in the Broadcast Room. Jacqueline Kennedy brought it back. After the assassination it traveled with some of his artifacts. Carter brought it back to the White House where it has remained in use. 

Chihuly glass

The Clinton White House China

Some special Easter Eggs from the White House Easter Egg roll.

Some Christmas decorations.

Other Presidential artifacts.

A replica of the Cabinet Room.

We were told by a volunteer working that in that circle is where theClinton’s will be buried when the time comes.

Clinton’s Presidential Limo.

We closed down the library. When we left we drove a couple of blocks away to the Arkansas State Capitol building. Traveling on Sunday does have its advantages. We were able to drive around to the front.

Then we drove around to find the Governor’s House.

We then drove, out of the rain, thank goodness to our hotel in Hot Spings. Tomorrow we check off another  National Park.

1 comment:

  1. That's what I call a full, fun day!!! Safe travels!!
