Friday, May 31, 2024

Bacon Wrapped Artichoke Hearts

 This has been a crowd pleaser for a long time, and I have been meaning to write it up for years so you can enjoy them too.  No one that has tried them has not liked them. Even people that thought they didn’t like artichokes like them. They get requested a lot. Of course who doesn’t like something wrapped in bacon.

I keep cans of artichokes in the pantry just in case.

The first thing you will want to do is drain the hearts. This can was medium sized hearts. The large hearts work better. 

Cut a piece of bacon in half. Thin bacon works best. Thick or center cut bacon takes too long to cook.

Wrap the heart in bacon and secure with a toothpick. I have the longer thicker picks and they work best.

I put them in a dish. Any kind will do that they can stand up. Pie plates work well too.

Now pour some zesty Italian dressing on the hearts. I like to get a squirt in the center that is why I like to stand them up. Now put them in the fridge until ready to put on the grill. I usually do this a couple of hours before.

Now the grilling part is not my job. Heat the grill like you were grilling steaks or something like that. We use these grill mats. You can order them from Amazon. It keeps the fire from being right in things. If you have a veggie basket you could put the artichokes in that. Added a little more dressing to the mat.

All on the grill. Cook until the bacon is done. Turning them to get all sides.
There’s never any leftovers. They are so good.

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