Thursday, June 20, 2024

Traveling with the Grobmyers June 19, 2024

 We hit the road again for a combo work/fun trip. We are heading north and hitting some of our favorite places. Hope you will follow along with us to see where we are headed.  This morning our first stop after our Hardee’s biscuit was the Tennessee Welcome center. The flags are pretty this morning flying in the breeze. They also have a really pretty pollinator garden outside.

This was a pretty little houseplant they had inside. I’m not familiar with it so I’m hoping someone will recognize what it is.

I made a quick stop at Stitchers Garden in Brentwood. Some of you are familiar with Stitcher’s Garden. It has seen a lot of changes in the last couple of years. Since moving to their current location the changes have been for the better. I had not been in he shop since last fall and they have continued to make some changes. For regulars the first thing you notice is all those fat quarters are gone! The fabric lines are grouped together and labeled with signs. The patterns are grouped together around the store with many samples hanging nearby. A cozy reading area in the back with quilt books handy. I did not venture back into the Secret Garden today because I was short on time but I will be back again soon. Also some pretty summer flowers outside too.

We continued north towards Louisville. And being the creatures of habit that we are we stopped at Mark’s Feed Store. We have been coming to this location for 30 years. And not much has changed. Which is not a bad thing. When the onion rings, bbq, corn and burgoo is this good there is no reason to change anything. This time the pigs are ready for summer.

We left Mark’s and headed towards I-71. There was a lot of traffic and I looked over at one of the shopping centers and guess what I saw…a quilt store. It must be fairly new because I have not seen it before. Quilted Joy was a nice, bright shop. When I entered the lady asked if I came in for the thread sale. When I told her we were just passing through and I happened to see the shop from he road she was very happy I found them. They had about 5 quilting machines set up in the back of the store so I imagine they do a good bit of quilting for the area. It was a neat store and I will be back the next time we go to Mark’s.

I got a couple of in the car shots of Cincinnati as we drove through. A skyline shot, the Bengals indoor facility, and the Bengals stadium.

I found this funny towel at a Cracker Barrel on one of our bathroom breaks. I didn’t buy it but I probably should.

Tune back in tomorrow because we are going to one of my favorite places in the US.

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