Saturday, June 8, 2024

Traveling with the Grobmyers A Day in Grant

 I spent the morning in Grant today. Took in the sights and brought home some delicious strawberries. I have been wanting to make some strawberry freezer jam since a friend game me some last year. I almost let strawberry season pass by before getting some.

I went out to Maggie Valley in Grant for the strawberries. They have been in the strawberry business for several years. Theirs as some of the best berries around. She thinks she will have them maybe another week if we don’t get too much rain. All the rain we have had this spring has not been great for the berries. So if you would like some head out there soon.

They also have strawberry onions. Similar to the ones grown in that famous town in Georgia. They have jams, jellies and pickled veggies for sell as well. And you can’t beat the strawberries.

When I left there I went around the bend to check in some sheep. Some family members raise sheerless sheep. They look a little like goats, but they are cute.

Laverne and Shirley 


And pet sheep, Henry.

They realized there was food to be had and came running.

The last stop on the trip was my parents house to see the spring flowers. They have a little of everything; corabells, hydrangeas, and a LOT of day lilies. She estimates there are around 900 day lilies. Most are named plants and those with names are labeled in the garden. You will find all types; single bloom, double bloom, short, very tall, and spider. I hope you enjoy them.

 I hope you enjoyed the flowers. She enjoys sharing them with people. There will be a day lily sale at the Greenery in Hampton Cove the end of June.
Check back in a day or two and see what I’m going to do with the strawberries.

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