Sunday, August 4, 2024

Traveling with the Grobmyers August 3 & 4, 2024 Anchorage=Going on a Bear Hunt

 We flew out of Huntsville midafternoon yesterday. I’ve never seen the Huntsville airport so empty. We don’t normally fly out on a Saturday. So I have to tell this. Joe had put both of us in for an upgrade. They called us to the desk and there was only one upgrade…Joe gave it to me. He didn’t miss a beat. He has read those social media post about the husband taking the upgrade and wife sitting in the back of the plane. The gate attendant said we could fight it out but he gave it to me. I appreciate it and enjoyed it. No upgrades on the flight from Dallas to Anchorage. 

We had a long layover in Dallas, but that gave us time to get a good meal. We tried Maggiano’s for the first time. I know some of my friends have talked about how good it is and I have to agree. I had the chicken parm and it was very good. It was nice having a good meal because we didn’t get anything on the plane except pretzels. We lucked up on this flight that there was no one in the middle seat between us so we had a little extra room. It was a long flight. I wasn’t able to take a nap but Joe did. I looked out the window several times and saw some pretty sunsets. I had. I idea where I was.

We landed in Anchorage about 11:00 Alaska time, which is 2 am Alabama time. This is the busiest airport at that time of night I have ever seen. It is about the size of Huntsville, but they have some neat things around.

Wooden ducks hanging from the ceiling.

These eagles were in our hotel lobby.

This morning we had free breakfast in the hotel, the best kind. You don’t normally see this on the breakfast bar.

And no I didn’t eat any, but Mr Vanilla ice cream did.

We did some grocery shopping to have supplies for our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, then headed downtown. I found a quilt shop that was open so I headed to it. We saw this Uncle Joe’s Pizza next door.

Our travel agent has family in Alaska and she comes here every summer. She told us about Wild Scoops ice cream. We hit that this afternoon for lunch. She told me to get the Baked Alaska cone. I have been thinking about it all day. Now Wild Scoops has some normal (boring) flavors they concentrate on unique Alaska flavors. I think they change daily. We will go back and test that theory. I got the rhubarb crunch in a baked Alaska cone. Mr Vanilla got vanilla in a cone no baked. It was so good.

Before ice cream we walked around downtown. Here are some of the beautiful flowers we saw today. They have been so pretty.

Tomorrow is a big day. We are flying over to see the bears of Brooks falls. This is a bucket list item. I’m not too sure about the float plane. We will be heading out bright and early. Check back late tomorrow for the update. No cell coverage there so no sneak previews.

You can lookup the web cam by looking up the bears of Brooks Falls or download the Explore app and look for brown bears Katmai Alaska. That is where we will be tomorrow.

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