Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Traveling with the Grobmyers June 24, 2024

 So this morning I had a couple of hours on my own. So I checked out the local Hobby Lobby. I like mine better. I then found a local quilt shop, InterQuilten. It was a very nice shop. She had lots of thing and patterns I have not seen before. I also have caught the Michigan quilt shops in the middle of their month long shop hop. 

I love this giraffe. If she had had just the pattern and not only in the kit I might would have gotten it.

I love the paper doll blanket.
I wanted this pattern too, but she was all sold out.

And yes I changed the girl’s clothes.

After the quilt shop I went back to the hotel and collected Joe. We drove out on one of the points and found a you pick cherry orchard. It was a lot of fun and the cherries are so good. I don’t think I would want to make a living picking cherries.

They don’t get any fresher than these. 

This narrow strip is where we drove up today. There are cherry orchards, vineyards and lavender farms along this strip. I’m guessing those three need the same time of weather to grow well. It was a beautiful drive. We found signs for a lighthouse at the tip so we drove out to the end.

Yes we are on the 45th Parallel. Halfway between the equator and the North Pole.

So the story of Sarah Lane was told. Her husband had been appointed the lighthouse operator. He got sick so she did that job and her regular chores as well. I think she got the short end of that deal.

On the drive back we stopped to take some pictures of the vineyards and lavender fields. It is a very pretty area and it’s nice now. I think January is probably a different story.

I came prepared for cherries. I just didn’t know I would be picking them myself. I thought we would buy some at a roadside stand. 

We had dinner on the water at Apache Trout Grill.

Our view at dinner.

Mr. Vanilla can’t pass up a local dairy freeze type place. And you guessed it he got a vanilla shake.

Tomorrow is a work day so I have the day to myself. There’s no telling what I might find.

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