Monday, June 24, 2024

Traveling with the Grobmyers June 23, 2024

 What a difference a day makes. The sun was out and there was nothing but blue skies today. No trip to the island but at least some really pretty pictures of the bridge. These pictures were taken from the north side or the UP side.

We drove across the bridge, which is a toll road, it costs $4.00 to drive across. We stopped at a park and took some more pictures from the south side.

If you see the white in the distance, that is the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. If you want an idea about the island watch the movie Somewhere in Time. An old 80’s movie with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeves-pre Superman. It captures the island well except for one thing, there are no cars on the island. 

For years I have driven by this house when we come to the area. I call it my house. It is the perfect location on the water. Lots of windows.

Some pretty flowers around town.

We checked out a bakery.

The cinnamon roll was not mine. I went for the cherry items.

We did not get one this time, but one a previous trip a friend of ours took us to this place for a pasty. So a little lesson here about pasties. They are a hand pie that have a meat filling with beef and root vegetables. They are very popular in the UP with Yoopers. The miners took these in their lunch pails as they went to work in the mines.

It was time to start heading south towards Traverse City. We drove by and both saw this at the same time and had to turn around to get a picture of the world’s largest cherry pie.

We found a cherry orchard fruit stand and we stopped. I brought my cherry pitter and am hoping to find some fresh cherries. I know a lot of you like the apple slushees at Isom’s in the fall but this place had cherry lemonade slushee! It was very good and very tart. They have not started picking yet but I did see some trees.

Does anyone know what kind of tree this is? The fruit almost looks like a blackberry.

Who knows what I will find to get into tomorrow.

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