Friday, June 21, 2024

Traveling with the Grobmyers June 20, 2024

 We are back on the road again this morning heading north. Something we enjoy on the road is listening to audiobooks. We have been doing this for years starting with cassettes and CDs. It makes the miles go by faster. On this trip we are listening to the final book in Robert Bailey’s Jason Rich series. Mr Bailey is a Huntsville based author and I have really enjoyed all of his books so far. His first book was The Professor. Check it out. This Jason Rich series of three books are set in Guntersville and other points in Marshall County. It’s enjoyable reading about places you are familiar with. 

Our hotel last night had wallpaper and art work that made me think of quilt patterns.  What do you think?

This quilt pattern was the floor at Zenders. 

So we drove along today seeing corn fields and wheat fields. Saw several Barn Quilts on barns. It was a nice drive up. The first time we drove this route we started seeing these billboards. It was almost like Wall Drug. Not as many but you get the idea. I had never heard of Bronner’s before we saw the billboards but boy am I glad we saw them.

We had a welcome to town just like Disney.

And then I arrived!!! Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland!! If you are ever in this area you have to stop. People think I need a moving van to come home from here but really I just like looking at all the trees and decorations. I do get a couple of special things but I mainly look. In fact my eyes hurt when I leave. But I love it. Now to go back after dark to see the lights.

We are in enemy territory.

Doesn’t everyone need an ear of corn on their tree.

He needs a Coke in his hand.

These are new. The clear ball has fishing flies inside. They had lots of these.

I worked up an appetite at Bronner’s. So it was on to our other favorite places in Frankenmuth, Zenders. Home of the famous chicken dinner.

This is my cranberry relish I make at Thanksgiving.

Chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles. I am going to buy some of these noodles tomorrow to make my own soup.

The garden vegetable spread is so good.

The stolen bread is so good. Fresh strawberry jam.

Joe got asparagus this time. Usually it’s green beans.

The fried chicken is so good.

Joe tried the sausages this time.

I had to document that Mr. Vanilla got chocolate ice cream tonight.

I realize tonight that they have chickens all over the restaurant. I felt a little bad with them watching us eat their kinfolks.

Thanks for indulging me my Christmas pictures. I hope you enjoyed them. Tomorrow  morning we will go back to Zenders bakery for pie cookies and a cherry fritter before we walk down to the Cheese House. 

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