Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Traveling with the Grobmyers August 6, 2024 The Road to Seward

 We woke up to another day or rain and wind. We’ve been told it is unusual for them. I think they called it an “atmospheric river”. I’ m going to have to look that up. Today we left Anchorage and headed south to Seward. There were a few things we wanted to do on the way. 

The first stop we made was to the Alaska Wildlife Conservatory. We were determined to see animals. It was a pretty neat place, even in the rain.

Do you see any elk hiding here?

Heath the porcupine.

Twix the porcupine

We left there and drove down toward Wittier. There is a tunnel into Whittier Joe wanted to drive through. We timed it just right and had the green light to go through.it is a one way tunnel for both cars and trains. It’s a little claustrophobic.

Whittier is in Prince Edward Sound. It is a tiny town. At one time it was a military facility. In the late 40’s they built a huge building and everyone in town lived in this building. They had everything they needed in one place. The earthquake of 1964 damaged the building and it is deserted now. There is a new building not as big where most people live.

There is a museum for the town. They had a big role in World War II. Lots of fighting in the Aleutian Island range.

A waterfall from all the new rain.

I found my bear.
Our view from dinner.

Tomorrow we are suppose to have a whale and wildlife cruise through the Kenia Fjords. We will see how the weather is tomorrow. If it is just rain I think we will be okay but if there is wind like today I’m not sure.

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